torsdag den 14. juli 2016

Game Board Pictures!

As of promised yesterday, here is a bunch of pictures of the finished game board. Well, I say finished, but I actually still need to paint the edges of the board, on some of the sides and I need to do that, before I can seal the static grass on the last plate...

But without further ado:

A bit closer:

And with a spattering of terrain pieces:

And one pic, in which you can see the textures a bit better(accompanied by my favorite orc troupe):

And just because I don't like to stay on one subject, here is the barbarian, I am currently working on. He is to be the first finished model of my first human warband and, actually, if this goes according to plan, he will be the first human miniature, I have ever finished!
I think I'm about halfway done with him; there's a lot of highlighting still to be done, especially on the sword and hairy bits. I have grown fond of the natural colours on him; the miniature didn't turn out nearly as drab, as I'd thought. Of course, the bright green of the crystals help, but even if I had stuck to painting them metal, or something, I still don't think it would have been boring.

Last week I had a visit from Johnny and his lovely fiancé Lone, who just wanted to pay a visit. We had a great time; they are both easy going people, with much of the same dispostition as my wife and I, so we hit it off. And for once, Johnny and I didn't just lapse into nerdism right away, but actually had real conversations, in which both our partners could join!
The only nerdy thing that happened, was that Johnny had brought me a bag of minis: three Kelt Sessairs archers and one more Spasm Warrior(and much, so much, more, but that's for later...). So now I have enough Kelt Sessairs to create a Frostgrave Warband: For wizards I'll use two Spasm Warriors and for the soldiers, I now have a choice of two guys with sword and shield, two guys with a two handed sword, one giant barbarian, wielding two swords, three warriors, each carrying two small axes and three archers.
With a bit of care, I can turn this into just about any of the soldier types available, exept for the ones carrying metal armour. But I think I can manage anyway...

Once again, it became a lot of words, and not many miniatures, but at least I got two posts out in two days! Go me!

onsdag den 13. juli 2016

Sorry for the delay!

Hi everybody!
Again, I must apologize for the instability of my postings, but such is my world.
The company in which I work has begun it's high season, which is the reason(this time) for the delay in posting. But now I've had vacation for a week'n'a'bit and my stress levels are finally down to my actually being fit for writing anything and even doing some basement stuff!

As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I have a room the size of our living room, in the basement of my house. The ground floor is for normal living, for my wife, our parrots and me, but the basement is almost solely mine. But alas, I've been struggling with space, for a while, so come this vacation, I had planned to do some rearranging down there...

It's a bit hard to make out exactly, but this is how my hobby room looked before. The entire room is approximately 11,5 x 16,5 feet and, as seen here, I had chosen to split it down the middle with a book case. My miniaturing took place on the side shown here, and on the other side of the case, I had my guitars, amps and general music stuff. Not seen in this picture is the second bookcase, which went perpendicularly to the shown one, creating a kind of passageway, making the two parts seem much more like separate rooms.

But not anymore!
Six huge garbage bags and a trip to the recycling plant  later, I am almost done!
This is much better:

Instead of having about a foot and a half to walk between the game board and working tables, I now have 2,5 feet on each side of the game board. And about 4 x 6 feet of free space in the working area and the same in the other end of the room! It is so much more free, open and breathable now and I can only shake my head, when trying to figure out WHY I did it the other way before. Now I only need to install some proper lighting, but that is already in the works.

Now, since last I wrote, I've not been painting much, mostly because of stress, which makes it hard for me to concentrate on the detailed work of painting. But I can still do a hobby stuff, and here comes the game board! Now, I already had some boards with a grass mat on them, to use for gaming(never used, not even once), but I wanted something more extravagant! So I build this. Actually(as you can see in the pictures above), It is even bigger now, and I might make a photo series, showing it off better, but this gives you the gist of it.
It is made from grit, expanded polystyrene, wet room spackel and static grass annd PVA glue, and that's it. I am so looking forward to playing around with all of this!

That's all for now; I'll try to enjoy the summer here and go again to my dark hole, which is now a lot less claustophobic and get to work on some more fun stuff to show off!

Have a nice summer, out there!

søndag den 15. maj 2016

You've got mail!

Hell-o everybody!

This week I received a package from a guy in California, Aron, who sold me some new miniatures. They have been under way for a while, and because of the Danish customs services, they even got delayed further. And became more than twice as expensive as they were, including shipping! But that's Denmark for you: Everything is much more expensive than it's supposed to be. On the other hand we get free education and medical aid, so I don't think I should complain about an extra fee on toys.
But I digress...

When I said "new miniatures", I was actually lying: They are quite old. All of them were marked with "GW 1985" on the slot, so they are as old as myself! But they are in great shape and only the axe guy(bottom, middle) had a severe mould line across his' left arm. So cleaning them up and making them ready was a soon overcome chore, which left me with the basing. Cork is my friend, as you can see...

I also did a little green stuffing. I have tried out a bit of modelling before, but I almost only use modelling putty to fill out gaps and do
small repairs, but seing as the two crossboworcs looked too much alike, I wanted to give the hooded guy some extra individualism.
Again; I am not much of a sculptor, but I tried giving him a chain mail shirt and I think it went okay: The only tools used were my finger and a pencil, and with about ten minutes of work, I am quite happy with the result. We'll see how it turns out, when the paint goes on. This is one of the great things about orcs: It isn't weird if an orc has his' upper body clad in heavy armour, but his' lower body only protected by a loin cloth. It's an orc! Screw appropriateness!

Three days prior to getting this little bundle of joy, I got another package, that time from England. It was the rulebook for Confrontation, which I have never played(I've played to miniatures games ever: HeroQuest and Dungner Derby), but would like to try, not least because of the outstanding miniatures! But the book is beautiful, filled with pictures of minis, paintings of characters and concept art for the game! Annd it turns out that it's a skirmish game, a fact I was unaware of, which means I already have a painted team to play with, by sheer coincidence! I like skirmish games more than battle games, because of the relatively low number of miniatures needed for playing...

Staying on the topic of Confrontation, here is the progress of the guy I started painting right after the last post: A Kelt Sessairs Warrior. After writing the last blog I saw the Jason Momoa version of Conan the Barbarian and it inspired me to get going on this guy. The movie is quite good, although it lacks a lot of the charm of the 1982 film with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I really like the genral world that Robert E. Howard created; it's based on ancient Europe, but then twisted into a magical world, so foreign that it doesn't fell like one of those stupid crossover fantasy worlds, where people travel from our world to the magical world and back again. You can probably imagine my feelings on Narnia and Harry Potter. Give me Hyboria, Faerûn or Aarklash any day of the week!
Back to the painting: I had a hell of a time deciding which colours I wanted for this bloke, as he has a lot of natural materials on him; Leather, metal, skin, fur, bones, and not much fabricated clothes and that sort of things. In the end I decided to just try something and then, if it looks boring in the end, I will use washes to make him more interesting. There are six base colours on him: Skin, grey, light brown, medium brown, reddish brown, dark brown and green. At the moment of photography, he has been washed with The Army Painter's Soft Tone Ink for the skin and light brown, and Strong Tone for the leather. The sword and leg brace has had to shadings, first a 1:1 mix of Vallejo Model Colors Neutral Grey and VMC Dark Grey and then pure VMC Dark Grey. There are going to be two more shadings and then the highlighting begins...
I really like this mini: although it looks a bit strange with the receding hairline, this guy looks freaking bad ass, with his determined jaw and simply the stance in which he has been modeled... I am really looking forwards to getting the entire band done and fitted onto a scenic display board!

But I'm not finished!
I had my ten years anniversary at The Company and got a cake and a gift card from them. Well, it wasn't really a gift card, it was a letter saying that I could spend a specific amount of money and bring the receipt, and then the company will reimburse me. As it turns out, the local pusher had a sale of up to 70% off, ending this Saturday, so I went and went amok: All of the pictured thing will end up costing me NOTHING AT ALL!

Now I'm finished!
Have a nice weekend, everybody and enjoy the onslaught of summer, by staying indoors and painting little lead soldiers!

søndag den 1. maj 2016

Brain Cat!

Hello Everybody!

I'm sorry for the delay -again- but that's just the way it goes. Sometimes I have a hard time finding time to get to the Torture Chambers, which means that the painting progresses even more slowly and I don't really feel like writing something, if I have nothing to say...

But now I have a bit of news!

Look out! It's a jumping brain!
I've painted a cat!
Well, not so much a cat, as a brain. It's a Mind Eater from Reaper Miniatures and I think it is probably the best sculpt of this monster, eventhough it has been made more insectoid, than the D&D monster, it's obviously based off. For this kitten I've tried to get a kind of organic black on the legs, by painting in dark greys and then washing with different mixes of red, purple and black inks. I'm not sure how visible these shades are to you guys, but in my eyes the washes give this critter a much more vibrant and diverse color, compared to just drab grey. The base is done in much the same way, only with green and blue inks and a bit lighter colour scheme...
Here's the picture of an Intellect Devourer from the AD&D Monstrous Manual, the kitten who Reaper's sculptor Patrick Keith is obviously inspired by. Eventhough I like the cat's paws version better than the more arachnid version, this is still a fun miniature to paint and the brain part is appropriately gross. I might get some more of them at some point, just because they have a great gross-out factor!
I'm planing on using this cat as the warhound for a future Frostgrave band, made from Cthul-oids. But first Tor Gaming has to get their Kickstarter set in production. I can't wait!

But enough about felines!

As I've stated before, I have an easier time focusing on the work, when I have a kind of project to do. Single minis can be fun, but I work better, when I can plan a bunch of painting, such as a Frostgrave Warband or some such thing. And now, I've thrown my love at a gaggle of barbarians from Rackham's Confrontation game. Or is it a murder of barbarians? No matter; here they are, so far:
From left to right: Man-at-arms, Treasure Hunter, Wizard, Barbarian, Man-at-arms.
These are Kelt Sessairs from Aarklash, the world in which the Confrontation game takes place. Confrontation minis are -hands down- my favorite miniatures of all time, no matter if we're talking orcs, barbarians, mutant zombies, giant dragons or whatever you can name! This small group is also in the works to become a Frostgrave band, but it will be expanded a bit, when I get a bunch of archers and one more Spasm Warrior from Johnny, over at Brains and Guts. He found a bunch of the Rackham minis in hi's stack and immediately contacted me, to see if I wanted them...

I'm also focused a bit more on getting some work done on my commision; it's going a bit too slow, even for my own taste, but it's just a little difficult for me, to focus solely on the massive task that it is. You can see the almost finished ghost ship in the background of the Kelt picture...

That's all for this time! Have a nice week!

søndag den 10. april 2016

Slow Week...

This has been a slow, lazy week; at work we have been doing stuff by routine, but for some reason, I just didn't have any energy to go to the Torture Chamber yesterday. That's my basement; I have the whole basement to myself and therefore I have a hobby room the size of our living room. So I shouldn't complain...
Friday evening we went to see a Danish comedian/folk singer, who did an excellent job of it; he's from the rural parts of Denmark and very down-to-earth in his' observations. And he is seventy years old and still trucking! He has a way of writing very funny lyrics, but singing them in a quite melancholy way, that can quite fool anyone not paying attention to the words. It was a blast!

That's enough of rambling; on to the painting!

I chose to go further with the Rackham wraith and I think this guy will take some time, since I'm trying out some different new techniques on him. First of all, I have to say:

Whoever invented black primer is an idiot! 

Well, not really; many painters use this to great effect, especially for getting a quick tabletop standard and it does make it more forgivable if you find some hard-to-get-to places on the mini. But for me, the black primer is a serious inconvenience; the paint have to come on in a much thicker layer, which means that I have to paint eight or nine layers, instead of the usual two to four. But I only have two other minis in my collection that are black primed, so I think I'll live through.

Rackham Kelt Drune Wraith

I have done some work on him already: Most places have gotten the basecoat and initial shading and the metal works have been highlighted.

The new thing I'm trying is to start with a rather light basecolour and then taking it from there. Everything, except for the metal, is based with Vallejo Model Colour and shaded with The Army Painter Quickshade Inks. The cloak is based in Grey Green, the skirt and boots in Khaki, the ropes are Buff and the skin is Medium Grey. If you look at these, you will see that they are very light colours, and quite desaturated, all of them. That was my point in choosing them; I wanted to see how I could drag them in different directions, using mostly shading.
The Khaki areas and the ropes started of with a liberal coat of TAP Soft Tone and the skirt got a few extra coats in the deeper recesses. The cloak got three coats of a mix: 2 parts Soft Tone and three parts Green Tone. The first coat was only put in the sharp recesses, the second coat was in both the sharp recesses and the wide, but deep recesses and the third coat was  watered down a bit and then washed all over the cloak. So far, so good...

The skin is what I find the most interesting: This is clearly an undead! Hence I wanted him to look at the same time long dead, but still "living", meaning that eventhough he is dead, he is still ambulatory and I want it to be clear that he has been alive before, i.e. not a golem or some such thing. So I started with Medium Grey, which is a light grey with a small hint of brown in it. This gave him a dissicated look, sort of how I picture a mummy, and that was not what I was going for. So here come the vibrant washes!
 I started by giving his' sores a coat of TAP Red Tone. Then the very deepest parts of his' skin got some Purple Tone. After that I mixed the to two inks in equal parts and watered that down with again an equal amount of water(1 part red, 1 part purple, 2 parts water). This was used all over the skin, but not splashed on: I was carefull not to cover the outermost parts, like fingers, the chin, knee caps; basically; I paint the shadows in, rather than letting gravity and surface tensions do the work. I will try putting in some brown inks next, to tone down the colours a bit, before putting on some highlights...

Well, that's gonna be it for this week; I hope to have something more next week!

søndag den 3. april 2016

And we reach conclusion...

And my first warband is done!

Archer, Wizard, Barbarian, Apprentice
Thug, Knight, Warhound, Man-at-arms, Thug

I am not the fastest painter, so I knew, this was going to take a while, but we are finally at play! And I actually have more painted minis ready, if I want to try out different line-ups: More HeroQuest orcs for thugs, more Ruglud's Armoured Orcs for knights or Men-at-arms. But this is the first warband I'm going to try with. Now just to find someone to play against...

The last mini I painted was the Wizard's Apprentice:

I found him a bit more challenging that the others, since he had so much bare skin on him, which needed more attention, to be less boring to look at. So I tried with some reds in the shadows and I think it worked. They came out very subtle, but I think they have to, not to make him look strange...
 He got a bunch of blue jewels, this guy, to make him stick out a bit, from the generally more red-based group he is a part of, but mostly I like that he has all this bone jewellery, instead of beads and bracelets. He really seems like some crazy, magic addicted fuck-up. I tried to make hes skin less brightly green that the archer, but still more brightly green than the Wizards skin. The point is, that he is not as old as the Wizard, but still more worldly than the archer. The rest of the doesn't have this kind of history to them , but I might invent one, at some point...
He got a bunch of blue jewels, this guy, to make him stick out a bit, from the generally more red-based group he is a part of, but mostly I like that he has all this bone jewellery, instead of beads and bracelets. He really seems like some crazy, magic addicted fuck-up. I tried to make hi's skin less brightly green that the archer, but still more brightly green than the Wizards skin. The point is, that he is not as old as the Wizard, but still more worldly than the archer. The rest of the warband doesn't have this kind of history to them , but I might invent one, at some point...

So, what to do now?

Well, I've got the Dreadfleet game, that I'm working on, but I need another project, to keep me going, so I'm considering the following three:

A Science Fiction group of adventurers, composed of these four guys. I'm thinking along the line of Shadowrun, or the like...

Next is a small group of Rackham undeads, three wraiths(pictured), some kind of wraith leader, whose actual name I forgot and a pretty neat ghost guy.

The third is to begin painting up my mind-shattering group. These two are the first, but they will be accompanied by Illithid, bathalian and the coming range of C'thu-miniatures(from Tor Gaming)

But, as I said, I dont excactly know what the future will bring, so check in for updates...

Thanks for reading and have a nice week!

fredag den 25. marts 2016

Death Metal and Demos!

So we are at it again. This time with a slight delay in publication, but since I'm the only one making the deadlines, I'll allow it.

The reason for the delay is that my wife and I have been  a bit busy going to concerts.
We went to Esbjerg(at the westernmost border of Denmark) to see Cattle Decapitation and Suffocation. The next day we went to Copenhagen(at the easternmost border of Denmark) to see them again. In Copenhagen we met up with Lodsiwoc of Brains and guts-fame and we had a blast! And heard some blast beats.
One of the support bands, Exuviated, I had never heard of before, but as it turned out, they were completely awesome. I had a chat with their singer at the merchandise stand and he was a terrific guy, who was just happy to actually be on tour with such genre giants as Cat. Decap. and Suffocation.
In all: A great time and two great show with some great people!

Exuviated, Belgian death metal, Esbjerg.

The kings of death metal, Cattle Decapitation, Copenhagen.

But lets get to the point!

I've been doing a bit different things, for the past weeks which is also a bit responsible for my delay. I've taken on a commision, to paint the Dreadfleet game for a friend. It has taken alot of time, but hopefully, it'll come out well.

But for the Frostgrave warband, I finally have this guy:

"Lets me shoot you wit dis arrow Is don't have!"
He is more brightly green than any other orc, I've ever painted, but I though long and hard about it, and decided to try. And I am actually quite happy with the result! Here you can really see, how the Harlequin orcs are more similar to each other, than the old GW-ones. Compare this to my wizard and youll see they have almost the exact same facial build and expression. And most of them are like that, but when mixed with other orcs, you don't really notice it. And off course the paintjob also help to camouflage that similarity.

I also got to finish up my treasure trove with now a total of eleven treasure markers. That'll get me a ways... This is another thing with this game; it has got me totally motivated to actually go digging through my bits boxes and find uses for all sorts of Sh-tuff, that I had no plans for. Motivation, here we go!

Another project, was to do a demo of a new thing I got. This is to be viewed as an independent amateur showing how well it works using the Quickshade Ink from The Army Painter. I used an old HeroQuest Orc and just gave him a basic paintjob; only basecolours.
After that, I simply dunked him in a tin of Strong Tone Quickshade Ink and actually dropped him. The scratches on his sword arm are from my trying to pick him out of the tin with a pair of pliers. Let him sit for five minutes and shake him well. Really well! And then just wait for him to dry. For at least 48 hours. I gave him a poke after only 21 hours and left irremovable fingerprints in the paint, so KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF!!!!
Before the last step I had to redo some green on his' head, where a big glob of ink had settled, but it was only two small lines, to pick out his eyebrow wrinkles.
And the last step was a coat of Anti Shine, again from The Army Painter, although any matt varnish should do the trick.

Far left: Basecoat; middle: Dipped in Quickshade; far right: finished model.

So to simplify: Basecoats. Dip in TAP Quickshade Ink Strong Tone. Matt Varnish.

In my review of this technique, I must emphasize three things:
1: Remove excess ink after dipping, with a brush. If there are any flat areas, on the mini, ink will pool there, which will give you an ekstra step before you're finished.
2: Let it dry completely before handling! If the ink is not dry, very, very little pressure will leave marks, that you can't cover in the paintjob.
3: Use matt varnish after the ink. Eventhough the ink also works as a solid varnish, the matt coat is essential. The middle picture is with the Quickshade Ink completely dry and that stuff is reflective!

My conclusion here is that dipping with Quickshade Ink is a very good technique, if you need to make lots of minis fast. I spent a total of 40 minutes on this orc, bar the drying time, and I am very pleased with the result. If I had prepped my 30-odd clan rats I could probably have them all ready for play within a week(which, if you follow this blog, you know is an extremely short paint time! ... For me...). The finished model has not been highlighted, which really shows how well the Ink finds the right places to go! I will tough him up a bit, though; highlight the ground under him and pick out his eyeballs, but after that, he will go to his' place in the cabinet.

That's all for this time! Thanks for reading and feel free to comment and criticize!

Next up: Wizard Apprentice!

søndag den 13. marts 2016

As the dog barks...

I keep on rolling!

This week my main concern has been this little doggie:

 You saw him in my last post, where he only had his' base- colours on, but now he's all finished up and ready for battle!
He is a Chaos Hound from GameZone Miniatures, that I did a little bit of conversion on; he had some devilish spikes on his' back and they were removed and the cut was modelled over with greenstuff.
The paint scheme is made for him to look as if he's a creature of the same ilk as the orcs with whom he's going to go questing; the green bristles on his' back fit with the gren skin of orcs, although they have a markedly different nuance, than the orcan skin.

And here we have some critters that I painted up, while waiting for washes to dry. Actually, I'm only talking about the small wolves, since the other beasts were painted earlier, but seing as this is all the animals I have for Frostgrave so far, I grouped them together:

The Spiders and small wolves are from a pack from Reaper, in which I also got some great cats, that I'm planning on painting up for Snow Leopards. The big wolf is actually a werewolf miniature from Ral Partha, that I got more than 15 years ago, but didn't paint until now. He's pretty cool and I'm happy that I can find some of these really old lead lumps in my stash and still find a use for them!

These two are Barbarian Orc Archers from Harlequin/Icon miniatures. I seriously love these sculpts, as they are simple and old school, but still very characterful. They don't have tons of detail, but enough to not be boring.
I put this picture up, to show the difference between a basecoat and a single wash of Quickshade Ink from The Army Painter. It's marvellous to see how the wash finds the correct places to land, something I never managed to achieve with Games Workshop's washes. I really can't stress enough, how awesome these inks are; easy to work with, yet awesomely effective!

Lastly is a picture of my next target; the archer for my warband:

He is missing any real armour, but the rules give archers leather armour, as standard, and I think that can be well represented by the animal fur, he is wearing. The inside of the fur is just the rough leather skin of whatever creature he got the fur from.

That's all for this week! I hope you enjoyed this little read and will follow this painting trip with me, as I (hopefully) progress as a painter and writer.

søndag den 6. marts 2016

Two in one week???

And so I am at it again!

Not only am I posting two entries in this blog in the same week, I have also finished two miniatures this week! And that is not something that happens often. My usual modus operandi is to start painting three or seven or twenty(well, that was only once) miniatures at the same time and then branch of a bit. Paint the basecolours on all of them, then start shading a few of them and then probably start a new batch, going back to a single miniature, starting all over again on a new one and then start building some terrain... You can see where this is going!

But right now I am working rather focused on my Frostgrave warband: I had to paint up five miniatures, to have a working band, the rest of them were already good to go on the shelf. Barbarian(you saw it in the last post), Wizard, Apprentice, Archer and Warhound. I had some of the paint on the barbarian, so he was my first choice. I had to wait for the three soldiers to come in the mail, so while I waited I converted a Gamezone Chaos Hound, by cutting of his' spikes and plugging out his' sores with greenstuff. Then when the minis arrived(from Black Tree Designs) I started basing them and basecolouring them all, so they would all be ready for the paint, as soon as the last mini was finished.

The Wizard; what type is he?
So, tuesday I finished the barbarian. Wednesday morning I started on the wizard. And today he was finished!
I keep having doubts about the bases: I paint them for frostgrave, which should warrant frosty or snowy bases, but I kind of feel that it would be better, if I keep the bases a bit more generic. So the bases might look a bit too hot for Frostgrave, but it is a distinct choice, not lazyness or indifference.
I can't figure out which type of wizard he should be. I like the idea of Chronomancer, but the imagery on this guy doesn't really give any pointers. Many people seem to think that Orcs should be witches(shamans), but I don't truck with that kind of racial prejudice! I think he will end up being either a Chronomancer or an Elementalist, spewing out lightning bolts, left and right.

My Warhound: isn't he a cutie?
Next up is my Warhound! He looks like this so far, but he has only got basecolours and a single wash for shades, so he's not that interesting yet...
I want him to appear as if he has brown fur on most of the body, but then with green bristles down the back. Actually, I think this mini looks more like a mutated lion, than  a hound, but he is an orc dog, so that's not really a problem. I'm really looking forwards to seing the end result! The musculature is great(Duh! It's from Gamezone!), but I really haven't had that much experience with this level of detail before. We will just have to see!

Treasures for the Frozen City!
While waiting for washes and other things to dry, I off course couldn't help myself, so here's a few treasure markers for the game. They are quick and easy to make and the paintjob will be really fast and simple.

 My wife saw my work room and said I should put this picture in the blog, too. It's just the left side of my working table, with all its' clutter. I am currently at one stage or another in planing, preppeing or painting all of these miniatures, so I will probably be finished soon. In 2096!
How many companies can you spot?

Well, that's all I have for now! I am back at work tomorrow, so there will probably not be the same progress for next weekend, but I will find something to write about anyway. I hope I'm not too wordy, but if I am, that will most likely go away over time. I tend to do go on and on...

Have a great week!

tirsdag den 1. marts 2016

It's been a while...

... It sure has!

When I started this blog many, many years ago, I thought I would be putting down my thoughts about everything every week or at least once per month. As it turns out, I've not even made one post for every year, I've had it. I'll try harder! And I will try keeping this blog about my miniatures, instead of about(as the title says) random thoughts I feel like writing about.


I've begun painting with a goal. Instead of mostly painting arbitrary miniatures that I thought looked cool, I've started painting up for a Frostgrave warband. What compels me to go for this system is the relatively few miniatures I need to have, to be able to field a complete warband. At a maximum of ten miniatures pr. player, it's pretty easy, even for me, to paint all of them.

So, after buying the rulebook and reading it through a couple of times, I got started. I started building a bunch of terrain for this specific game; it's just ruins, so it was pretty straight-forward.

Here are some of the ruins. It's just expanded styrofoam, covered in spachel. It couldn't be much simpler!

These are a little bit smaller, but the general principle is the same. The well water is just paint covered over with gloss varnish and the green floor tiles are simply bits of old cereal box.

This is a Wizards Tower, for a scenario from the core rulebook. Again; spachel and styofoam is your friend!
The doors here a giving me a bit of a headache; the circumference of the tower is very small, so I have to round the lintels, which is kind of difficult to do with my usual tecnique of cutting up popsicle sticks and coffee stirrers. But I'll figure it out in the end!

And this is my warband. From the top we have Archer(unfinished), Apprentice(unfinished), Wizard(unfinished), Knight, Man-at-arms, Warhound(unfinished), Thug, Barbarian, Thug. I'm doing the entire warband out of old school models. I just love the style of these old boys and recently I just can't get enough of them!

Lastly is a close-up of my barbarian. This is an Ogre Champion from the late Harlequin miniatures. I fits so perfectly with these old orcs, that one would think, he's just their older brother.

That'll be all for this time. I hope the next post will be less wordy and more picturey, but we'll see about that. And hopefully it won't be five years more, before the next post is up!

Thanks for reading!