søndag den 6. marts 2016

Two in one week???

And so I am at it again!

Not only am I posting two entries in this blog in the same week, I have also finished two miniatures this week! And that is not something that happens often. My usual modus operandi is to start painting three or seven or twenty(well, that was only once) miniatures at the same time and then branch of a bit. Paint the basecolours on all of them, then start shading a few of them and then probably start a new batch, going back to a single miniature, starting all over again on a new one and then start building some terrain... You can see where this is going!

But right now I am working rather focused on my Frostgrave warband: I had to paint up five miniatures, to have a working band, the rest of them were already good to go on the shelf. Barbarian(you saw it in the last post), Wizard, Apprentice, Archer and Warhound. I had some of the paint on the barbarian, so he was my first choice. I had to wait for the three soldiers to come in the mail, so while I waited I converted a Gamezone Chaos Hound, by cutting of his' spikes and plugging out his' sores with greenstuff. Then when the minis arrived(from Black Tree Designs) I started basing them and basecolouring them all, so they would all be ready for the paint, as soon as the last mini was finished.

The Wizard; what type is he?
So, tuesday I finished the barbarian. Wednesday morning I started on the wizard. And today he was finished!
I keep having doubts about the bases: I paint them for frostgrave, which should warrant frosty or snowy bases, but I kind of feel that it would be better, if I keep the bases a bit more generic. So the bases might look a bit too hot for Frostgrave, but it is a distinct choice, not lazyness or indifference.
I can't figure out which type of wizard he should be. I like the idea of Chronomancer, but the imagery on this guy doesn't really give any pointers. Many people seem to think that Orcs should be witches(shamans), but I don't truck with that kind of racial prejudice! I think he will end up being either a Chronomancer or an Elementalist, spewing out lightning bolts, left and right.

My Warhound: isn't he a cutie?
Next up is my Warhound! He looks like this so far, but he has only got basecolours and a single wash for shades, so he's not that interesting yet...
I want him to appear as if he has brown fur on most of the body, but then with green bristles down the back. Actually, I think this mini looks more like a mutated lion, than  a hound, but he is an orc dog, so that's not really a problem. I'm really looking forwards to seing the end result! The musculature is great(Duh! It's from Gamezone!), but I really haven't had that much experience with this level of detail before. We will just have to see!

Treasures for the Frozen City!
While waiting for washes and other things to dry, I off course couldn't help myself, so here's a few treasure markers for the game. They are quick and easy to make and the paintjob will be really fast and simple.

 My wife saw my work room and said I should put this picture in the blog, too. It's just the left side of my working table, with all its' clutter. I am currently at one stage or another in planing, preppeing or painting all of these miniatures, so I will probably be finished soon. In 2096!
How many companies can you spot?

Well, that's all I have for now! I am back at work tomorrow, so there will probably not be the same progress for next weekend, but I will find something to write about anyway. I hope I'm not too wordy, but if I am, that will most likely go away over time. I tend to do go on and on...

Have a great week!

3 kommentarer:

  1. That is quite tidy compared to My messy table.

  2. That is quite tidy compared to My messy table.

  3. Yeah, it's not the worst I've ever had, but you can't see the numerous other projects on the high work table...
