torsdag den 14. juli 2016

Game Board Pictures!

As of promised yesterday, here is a bunch of pictures of the finished game board. Well, I say finished, but I actually still need to paint the edges of the board, on some of the sides and I need to do that, before I can seal the static grass on the last plate...

But without further ado:

A bit closer:

And with a spattering of terrain pieces:

And one pic, in which you can see the textures a bit better(accompanied by my favorite orc troupe):

And just because I don't like to stay on one subject, here is the barbarian, I am currently working on. He is to be the first finished model of my first human warband and, actually, if this goes according to plan, he will be the first human miniature, I have ever finished!
I think I'm about halfway done with him; there's a lot of highlighting still to be done, especially on the sword and hairy bits. I have grown fond of the natural colours on him; the miniature didn't turn out nearly as drab, as I'd thought. Of course, the bright green of the crystals help, but even if I had stuck to painting them metal, or something, I still don't think it would have been boring.

Last week I had a visit from Johnny and his lovely fiancé Lone, who just wanted to pay a visit. We had a great time; they are both easy going people, with much of the same dispostition as my wife and I, so we hit it off. And for once, Johnny and I didn't just lapse into nerdism right away, but actually had real conversations, in which both our partners could join!
The only nerdy thing that happened, was that Johnny had brought me a bag of minis: three Kelt Sessairs archers and one more Spasm Warrior(and much, so much, more, but that's for later...). So now I have enough Kelt Sessairs to create a Frostgrave Warband: For wizards I'll use two Spasm Warriors and for the soldiers, I now have a choice of two guys with sword and shield, two guys with a two handed sword, one giant barbarian, wielding two swords, three warriors, each carrying two small axes and three archers.
With a bit of care, I can turn this into just about any of the soldier types available, exept for the ones carrying metal armour. But I think I can manage anyway...

Once again, it became a lot of words, and not many miniatures, but at least I got two posts out in two days! Go me!

onsdag den 13. juli 2016

Sorry for the delay!

Hi everybody!
Again, I must apologize for the instability of my postings, but such is my world.
The company in which I work has begun it's high season, which is the reason(this time) for the delay in posting. But now I've had vacation for a week'n'a'bit and my stress levels are finally down to my actually being fit for writing anything and even doing some basement stuff!

As I'm sure I've mentioned before, I have a room the size of our living room, in the basement of my house. The ground floor is for normal living, for my wife, our parrots and me, but the basement is almost solely mine. But alas, I've been struggling with space, for a while, so come this vacation, I had planned to do some rearranging down there...

It's a bit hard to make out exactly, but this is how my hobby room looked before. The entire room is approximately 11,5 x 16,5 feet and, as seen here, I had chosen to split it down the middle with a book case. My miniaturing took place on the side shown here, and on the other side of the case, I had my guitars, amps and general music stuff. Not seen in this picture is the second bookcase, which went perpendicularly to the shown one, creating a kind of passageway, making the two parts seem much more like separate rooms.

But not anymore!
Six huge garbage bags and a trip to the recycling plant  later, I am almost done!
This is much better:

Instead of having about a foot and a half to walk between the game board and working tables, I now have 2,5 feet on each side of the game board. And about 4 x 6 feet of free space in the working area and the same in the other end of the room! It is so much more free, open and breathable now and I can only shake my head, when trying to figure out WHY I did it the other way before. Now I only need to install some proper lighting, but that is already in the works.

Now, since last I wrote, I've not been painting much, mostly because of stress, which makes it hard for me to concentrate on the detailed work of painting. But I can still do a hobby stuff, and here comes the game board! Now, I already had some boards with a grass mat on them, to use for gaming(never used, not even once), but I wanted something more extravagant! So I build this. Actually(as you can see in the pictures above), It is even bigger now, and I might make a photo series, showing it off better, but this gives you the gist of it.
It is made from grit, expanded polystyrene, wet room spackel and static grass annd PVA glue, and that's it. I am so looking forward to playing around with all of this!

That's all for now; I'll try to enjoy the summer here and go again to my dark hole, which is now a lot less claustophobic and get to work on some more fun stuff to show off!

Have a nice summer, out there!