lørdag den 14. januar 2017


Hell-o Everybody!
Once again, I have been forced to leave well alone and focus on everything but this blog. But now we have a new year and I would like to begin again, but perhaps set the bar a bit lower: Instead of trying to post every week, I will try to post once a month(at least). We will see how it goes.

So, 2016 is over and I must say, it has been a good year for my hobby: I have broken my PYFM for 2015 and as an addition I have made a ton of scenery. PYFM is short for Paint Your Fucking Models and it is simply the number of models you finish in a year. If it's a larger model, it can count two or three points, at your own discretion.
For 2014, I had a PYFM of 7, for 2015 I raised it to 11 and for 2016 I have an astonishing finishing rate of 19 models and twenty or so pieces of scratch build terrain, not including 6 smaller trees on decorative bases and a full gameboard(shown in earlier post).

Here is a picture of the last three minis I finished, the last of which saw the shelf in the beginning of december:

They are the first three soldiers of a band of tundra barbarians and they are, of course, from the awesome line of Rackham's Confrontation Miniatures.

And just to show the kind of terrain I make, here are pictures of the last three pieces I finished:

A Stonehengy thing-a-ma-jig:

A burial mound that has seen a bit too much of the rain. This is a bit large; the square room in the middle is four inches to a side, so the overall piece is maybe 8 inches wide and 12 inches long:

And finally a stone setting, that can be used both as a large obstacle and three lesser obstacles:

As you can see, they are rather detailed and I am really trying to make these as varied and interesting as possible, using a lot of different flock, static grass, foliage and shrubbery. I really enjoy building and painting these, but it takes a lot of time, which invariably takes time away form actual miniature painting. But what can you do...

That will be all for this time. I less than a week I'm off to visit Florida with my wife, and as soon as I get home, I am starting at a new job. After ten years at the same company, I am moving on to become the warehouse manager in a new company. The biggest plus to this change might be that I have two hours of transportation less, EVERY DAY, so maybe, just maybe, I will get some more time in the basement, from now on...

Happy new year, have a nice January and check in next month, for an update!