tirsdag den 1. marts 2016

It's been a while...

... It sure has!

When I started this blog many, many years ago, I thought I would be putting down my thoughts about everything every week or at least once per month. As it turns out, I've not even made one post for every year, I've had it. I'll try harder! And I will try keeping this blog about my miniatures, instead of about(as the title says) random thoughts I feel like writing about.


I've begun painting with a goal. Instead of mostly painting arbitrary miniatures that I thought looked cool, I've started painting up for a Frostgrave warband. What compels me to go for this system is the relatively few miniatures I need to have, to be able to field a complete warband. At a maximum of ten miniatures pr. player, it's pretty easy, even for me, to paint all of them.

So, after buying the rulebook and reading it through a couple of times, I got started. I started building a bunch of terrain for this specific game; it's just ruins, so it was pretty straight-forward.

Here are some of the ruins. It's just expanded styrofoam, covered in spachel. It couldn't be much simpler!

These are a little bit smaller, but the general principle is the same. The well water is just paint covered over with gloss varnish and the green floor tiles are simply bits of old cereal box.

This is a Wizards Tower, for a scenario from the core rulebook. Again; spachel and styofoam is your friend!
The doors here a giving me a bit of a headache; the circumference of the tower is very small, so I have to round the lintels, which is kind of difficult to do with my usual tecnique of cutting up popsicle sticks and coffee stirrers. But I'll figure it out in the end!

And this is my warband. From the top we have Archer(unfinished), Apprentice(unfinished), Wizard(unfinished), Knight, Man-at-arms, Warhound(unfinished), Thug, Barbarian, Thug. I'm doing the entire warband out of old school models. I just love the style of these old boys and recently I just can't get enough of them!

Lastly is a close-up of my barbarian. This is an Ogre Champion from the late Harlequin miniatures. I fits so perfectly with these old orcs, that one would think, he's just their older brother.

That'll be all for this time. I hope the next post will be less wordy and more picturey, but we'll see about that. And hopefully it won't be five years more, before the next post is up!

Thanks for reading!

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