lørdag den 15. april 2017


Okay, so my idea of publishing once a month went south really fast. At my new job, it seems that the busy periods are VERY busy and the quiet periods are very quiet, so it's alot of up-and-down, stress-wise. However, this means that I, all of a sudden, was working an average of 65 hours pr. week, for three weeks, which left very little time for painting and writing. But then I just have to adapt to that, in here as well, and maybe posting a few extras, when I actually do have the time...

Enough of that!

I took on a commision, some weeks back, from a local guy, who loves his Skaven. He just got his' dream job and celebrated that by buying an old Standard Bearer, that he had been wanting for some time and getting someone else to paint it, since he doesn't think too much of his' own painting abilities. 

I saw his' work and he definitely has the skill, but perhaps not the patience, for what he wanted with this one. But he gave it to me and gave me free reigns. So I took it and ran. Above you can see the original miniature. I chose to paint it as two parts, since the banner would be giving me some difficult angles and the fit was so close, that I could easily glue it on afterwards, without ruining anything.

After the first painting session, he looked like this:

I opted out of the NMM, that I initially started, since I wanted to do some black areas, which I tend to find hard. When having to paint both black and metal, I think it is too easy to just get the two areas jumbled together, and I thought that this one would look better with true metals. Besides that would fit better with the commisioners army.

After another session he was looking much better, although hardly finished:

Here you can see what I wanted to do with the blacks. I tried playing around a bit with varying greens; the armour, the skirt and the banner pole and I actually think it went quite well. You can easily see the difference in material, that I went for, and the monochromity that I feared for was held at bay. The skin is pretty much my standard way of doing caucasian skin tones, only with a bit of extra red and purple on the tail...

So after six weeks of waiting, the commisioner can finally pick it up. I am writing this, as I am waiting for him to come, so I didn't get his' reaction yet.
But here is a collage of the finished model, with banner, base and everything showing. I just hope my friend will like it(although he did see the WIP pictures, so I think he will):

Again, I'm sorry forthe delay in posting, but that's how it goes. I hope you enjoyed this fellow and I will try to get a few more posts up, in a short time, to compensate for the delay. I have an almost finished Cthulu temple, that just needs a touch-up, and some orcs that are very far in the working, so perhaps there will be an easter egg on monday, or so. But I'm not promising anything!

Have a nice springtime and feel free to comment and critisize!

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