onsdag den 26. april 2017

Lets Talk About Bases!

So, it's time for a couple of bases!
I love making bases. It's really fun, to spatter various items around, with a lot of glue and just see what you can get out of it. I try to make my bases varied, both in height, type and general style, which gives me alot of possibilities for going creative. I like nature bases the most, but I do not frown upon some brickwork or the such...

Hare a couple of simple ones:

 These are 40mm round lipped bases. The two of them are made from pieces of cork bark and sand, while the third is just made from sand(brown part) and fine gravel(grey/green part). With a little care, you can get some really fine results from such simple means.

The next batch is 30mm bases, for a couple of wood elf dryads.

They are a bit more advanced than the rock bases above; build from pieces of copper cable, split, twisted and bend to resemble some skinny trees. The bottom end of the tree was bent at a right angle and glued onto the base and afterwards the sand was applied, so that there are two layers of glue holding the tree in place.

Notching up a step, these bases are both 30mm and 40mm.
 The Smaller one is just a standard base painted with P3 Coal Black and drybrushes i places with VMC Foam Green, covered in VMC crackle medium and finished off with some Army Painter modelling snow.
The other two are made by cutting out the bottom of the base, gluing a piece of blister pack underneath and filling the hole with water effect(I forget which brand I used) Lastly, a thick layer of VMC Crackle Medium was added and topped off again with tAP Modelling snow. THe one on the far left had some blue glaze applied, but that turned out badw, so I will not try that again...

Lastly we go indoors again:
 Back when Games Workshop made useful things, they did a Gothic Scenery pack, in which you could find this gargoyle nad pillar. The floor is just 0,7mm plastic card, fitted to the base in a regular pattern. Now I just hope that the miniature going on this base will not drown in the crass colours...

Enjoy! And I make a lot more bases than I have miniatures for, so if you need some homemade bases, throw me a message and I'll see what I can find...

1 kommentar:

  1. Looks great ! And yes the base often is the touch that makes the model look finished too. Big armies are good for an easy base. But for individual models you can really go all out.
