søndag den 23. april 2017

Orcs Galore!

Here we go again!

Lat time I posted, I had just finished up a commisioned Skaven Standard Bearer. As he was drying, I had to fill a void, in which I painted two orc crossbowmen. Now, A while ago, I posted a picture of a whole bunch of ancient Citadel orcs, that I had bought from a guy in California. These are the first three of that bunch:

The two crossbowmen have very similar stances; so much so, that it is pretty obvious that one was sculpted and the differences between the two were just build on top of the original. 
On the more civilized looking fellow, I added a fur vest; before he was just bare chested. Combined with his' legs being painted as if wearing pants, the two minis all of a sudden becomes very different!
The vest is just a bunch of greenstuff, pitted and shaped with the tip of a retractable pencil. It's such a simple way to do conversion, yet it works so well! At least, I am quite happy with the result.
The other guy is more of a barbarian looking fellow, only clad in loincloth and footwear. He has a lot of character, I think, for such a simple mini and this is one of the reasons I so like these old guys.
Now, the crossbows are some plastic ones I found in the bits box. One of them (with the hooded orc) is from a Mordheim sprue, and the other one is a cut down version of a rather larger crossbow, that I'm not sure of how I got my hansds on. But it works, so who am I to complain!

The last guy in the top pic is a rather more burly fellow, with a quite brutal appearance, who I finished up a while ago. I enjoyed painting him a lot; The variety of clothing, the whole outlaw feel to the mini is just outstanding! He really looks as if he just stole all of his' equipment from a bunch of other people.

Those are the first three finished ones from the California lot, I received and here is a warning of what is to come. Off course, one of these is not an old guy, but he fits well, so he will be part of this group. I'm off course referring to the Diehard Miniatures Orc, on the front right.

Thanks for reading and keep on happy painting. I hope to write to you all agian soon...

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